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The Best TV Shows on Open Beyond TV

Every Open Beyond TV Show Ranked From Best To Worst

Open Beyond TV’s extensive portfolio includes more than 15 shows, spanning the years from 2004 to N/A. Leading the pack on Open Beyond TV are Al Tsantiri News and The X Factor, with their initial broadcasts in 2004 and 2008. Peruse our comprehensive roster of Open Beyond TV’s top shows, encompassing over 15 distinct series as of March 2025.

  • I Diki Mas Oikogeneia
    I Diki Mas Oikogeneia (2022)10.0

    "Our family" has everything. Real, modern people, real relationships, funny but also emotionally charged moments. Relationships that are built daily, grow, strengthen and become a point of reference. With those we already know, but also with others we have never met. Which sometimes operate in a completely realistic context and sometimes escape into "surreal" situations.

  • Erotas Fygas
    Erotas Fygas (2022)9.0

    "Erotas Fygas" travels us to Greece in the 50's that overcomes its darkness, moves forward and evolves, through a fatal love, an exciting plot, moral crossroads that we still meet today, intense characters, emotions, and stormy twists .

  • The Red River
    The Red River (2019)8.3

    May 1895. Our story begins when the family of George Pavlides engages their 12-year-old son, Miltos, with the 9-year-old daughter of Michalis Nikolaidis, Ifigenia. The attacks of fanatical Turks will force the two families to flee their homeland. The two youngsters will meet again in Istanbul 11 years later. Unaware of the family relationship that binds them, they instantly fall in love. The two lovers try to live their love, while being dragged by the whirlwind of historical events of the time.

  • Into The Skin
    Into The Skin (N/A)8.0

    George Mavridis and the show "Into the Skin" follow the marks that people have engraved on them in every corner of the globe and look for the stories that are hidden behind them! Guided by his love for tattoos, George travels and meets tribes, peoples and gangs, difficult to access and dangerous. Every mark on them is part of their tradition and culture. Each tattoo, mark or scar means something special to them - and their stories are riveting. What is the significance for everyone? What does it mean? For some tribes, there are signs that indicate adulthood, marriage, profession, origin or even position in the group hierarchy, some tribes escaped extinction, others slavery and others death. George Mavridis unfolds different stories and personal paths "engraved" on the skin.

  • The X Factor
    The X Factor (2008)7.0

    The X Factor is the Greek version of The X Factor, a show originating in the United Kingdom. It is a television music talent show contested by aspiring pop singers drawn from public auditions. Auditions are held in Greece in the cities of Athens and Thessaloniki, as well as in Cyprus in the city of Nicosia. Auditions for the third X Factor were also held in New York City. Applicants from the Greek diaspora are also accepted. The show is broadcast live in Greece and Cyprus, as well as abroad via ANT1's international stations. Loukas Giorkas, winner of the first series, Stavros Michalakakos, winner of the second series and Haris Antoniou, winner of the third series, are all from Cyprus.

  • Thou Shalt Not Kill
    Thou Shalt Not Kill (2018)6.5

    The main theme of the series is the way in which a person is led to murder while each story in the series combines elements of drama, social stories and thrillers. The duration of each episode is 45 minutes and is in the form of a psychograph. While the stories in the series are based on real events that have preoccupied public opinion, their dramatization has undergone some changes.

  • Al Tsantiri News
    Al Tsantiri News (2004)4.5

  • Για Πάντα Παιδιά
    Για Πάντα Παιδιά (2018)N/A

    Η ιστορία μας έχει να κάνει με τρεις άντρες τον Σταμάτη, τον Γρηγόρη κι τον Λευτέρη. Είναι 34 χρονών και είναι φίλοι από παιδιά. Ξέρουν ο ένας τον άλλον απ’ την καλή κι απ’ την ανάποδη κι η τριανδρία τους έχει αντέξει σχολείο, πανελλήνιες, σπουδές, στρατό, γυναίκες, αφραγκιές, ξενύχτια, τσακωμούς, εξομολογήσεις και πολλά πολλά ακόμα. Σήμερα τους βρίσκουμε σε διαφορετικές φάσεις της ζωής τους, αλλά πάντα κολλητούς.

  • Ελεύθερη Σχέση
    Ελεύθερη Σχέση (2018)N/A

  • Ο Πρίγκιπας της Φωτιάς
    Ο Πρίγκιπας της Φωτιάς (2018)N/A

  • Εικόνες με τον Τάσο Δούση
    Εικόνες με τον Τάσο Δούση (2019)N/A

  • Το Μυστικό της Πεταλούδας
    Το Μυστικό της Πεταλούδας (2020)N/A

  • Σ' αγαπάω μεν... αλλά
    Σ' αγαπάω μεν... αλλά (2021)N/A

  • Η Τελευταία Ώρα
    Η Τελευταία Ώρα (2021)N/A

  • San Psema
    San Psema (2024)N/A

    A necessary lie told by a father to his young daughter will lead to a love story with unexpected developments and twists. Everything that was familiar and dear is suddenly lost and gives way to absence and insecurity. But the father's love is always there and he will do everything he can to guard the happiness of little Alice, without hesitation. But, life holds new surprises, this time, beautiful, full of love and emotion, but not without misunderstandings and difficult decisions...